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Other Language Editions
Information on which languages Dirty Dealing has been released in

Peters World

Peters Bio
A Biography of Dirty Dealing's author Peter Lilley

Hacked Attaced & Abused
An introduction to Peters previous book on Digital Crime entitled "Hacked Attacked & Abused"

Book Peter As A Speaker

Book "Britians Leading Money Laundering Expert" as a Speaker


Money Laundering Country Risk Index
A country by country breakdown in regards to Money Laundering

AML Training: Page 1 / Page 2
A summary of what training services Peter has to offer, including trailers of his AML Training video.

FATF Blacklist
Download the FATF(Financial Action Task Force) Blacklist, with an analysis from Peter Lilley

A to Z Of Money Laundering
A good begineers guide to Money Laundering, listing all the key Money Laundering defintitions

Money Laundering Statistics
A great Money Laundering resource, giving both ML statistics on a country and Global Scale

Writing & Presentation Slides
Another excelent Money Laundering resource, here you can download six articles and a PP presentation on Money laundering

Useful ML Links
A comprehensive list of Money Laundering links with a summary for each link.

Contact Peter Lilley
Contact the Author Of Dirty Dealing Here

Buy Dirty Dealing Here
Buy your copy of Dirty Dealing direct from the publisher here